Unlocking secrets: Revealing the potential for carbon storage along the Texas Gulf Coast | SLB

Unlocking secrets: Revealing the potential for carbon storage along the Texas Gulf Coast

已发表: 06/08/2023

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Large-scale deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) will be required if countries such as the United States are to achieve their climate targets by 2030.

The Texas Gulf Coast is a very attractive region for carbon sequestration (CS), with high storage capacity in the Frio, Lower Miocene, and Middle-Upper Miocene. Two CCS assessment projects have been completed in Galveston Bay and Corpus Christi Bay to support the recent 2023 Texas State CS Lease Sale.

The main objective of these studies was to evaluate the CS potential of these blocks. The assessment used SLB multiclient seismic data, publicly available well logs, legacy well data, and surface infrastructure such as CO2 emitters and pipelines. Understanding the integrated nature of CCS projects is essential to accurately characterize the complex geology and successfully derisk the projects. This talk will examine the studies in more detail and explore how these methods can be duplicated elsewhere.

Unlocking secrets: Revealing the potential for carbon storage along the Texas Gulf Coast
Large-scale deployment of CCS will be required if countries such as the United States are to achieve their climate targets by 2030
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