Carbon Capture | SLB

Carbon capture

Differentiated technologies and expertise to optimize your carbon capture and lower costs

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Photo of people walking outside, rig in background at the end of the street

Accelerate decarbonization—starting with carbon capture

CO2 is rarely accessible as a standalone molecule to capture and store underground. Instead, it’s usually mixed with other gases produced in industrial processes. So, the ability to capture CO2 from different effluent gas streams is key. Additional challenges include high energy consumption, complex systems integration, infrastructure footprint, and the handling of contamination in gas streams—all resulting in higher capex and opex.

Leveraging our expertise, SLB is building a broad and highly differentiated carbon capture portfolio that covers a wide range of emissions streams. This includes solutions across a broad variety of industrial emissions and those for typically hard-to-abate and dilute CO2 streams. Through our technology leadership and unique commercial models, we improve your capture performance while lowering costs.

A market-ready portfolio of solutions

The SLB and Aker Carbon Capture joint venture combines technology portfolios, expertise, and operations platforms to accelerate carbon capture adoption for industrial decarbonization at scale. Through this joint venture, we will apply advanced carbon capture solutions across a broad range of industrial sectors—from cement and steel manufacturing to coal and gas power generation, chemicals, and hydrogen.

Our portfolio of technologies includes amine-based Advanced Carbon Capture™ technologies, Just Catch™ and Big Catch™ modular plant technologies for medium- and large-scale facilities, and Just Catch Offshore™ for offshore gas turbines, as well as a portfolio of innovative technology solutions, including non-aqueous solvent and emerging sorbent-based offerings.

aker carbon capture

Our investment in versatile carbon capture technology enables decarbonization at scale. Meaning we can deploy our solutions across many industries to accelerate carbon capture worldwide. With differentiated technology, SLB is poised to improve carbon capture performance at scale.

3D render of CYNARA Acid gas removal membrane systems

Leading CO2 capture from natural gas

SLB has been removing CO2 from natural gas streams since the early 1980s with our Cynara H2S and CO2 separation membranes. Cynara membranes have a proprietary membrane design with the most efficient surface area in the market, which is critical for scaling CO2 separation and capture. This provides higher-efficiency CO2 separation without chemicals, reducing cost and environmental impact while delivering a track record of 99% uptime. Cynara membranes also reduce embodied carbon by up to 50% compared with alternative methods of acid gas removal and minimize emissions by 30% to 50% when compared with amine sweetening.

The higher hydrocarbon retention from Cynara membranes versus alternative membranes enables CCUS for high-purity CO2 outlet streams, further reducing emissions intensity.

Cynara membranes


field-proven average uptime

Up to 50%

embodied carbon reduced compared with alternatives


emissions reduced

Dive deeper

  • 3D CGI image of white and blue spheres (SLB_Carbon_Capture_02)
    Carbon Sequestration

    Integrated solutions for selecting, planning, constructing, operating, and monitoring carbon storage sites. View

  • 3D render of white and blue spheres (CCUS-03-hero)
    The Vital Role of CCUS

    SLB’s bold approach to a practical and viable carbon abatement solution. View

  • Photo of man in blue lab coat woking in lab (Tier 1_Lab_Clamart_OAT_0476 )
    Carbon Capture and Processing

    Processing systems knowledge and intelligent software to help determine the capture technology fit for you. View

  • Photo of person walking, large trucks with wheeled platforms on either side
    Carbon Transport

    Captured carbon only goes as far as delivering it with the highest safety and optimization in mind. View

Featured products and services

  • aker carbon capture
    Advanced Carbon Capture™ Technology

    Technology solutions for mid-range to large-scale industrial emissions streams. View

  • 3D CGI image of white and blue spheres on a white background (SLB_Carbon_Capture_04)
    CCUS Project Solutions and Services

    Projects fit to your objectives using consultancy, partnerships, and flexible business models. View

  • Horizontally and vertically oriented Cynara H2S and CO2 separation membranes.
    H2S and CO2 separation membranes

    Separate acid gases from produced natural gas without chemicals. View

  • Amine gas sweetening system
    Amine Gas Treating Systems
    Standard and customized gas-treating designs

    Prepare natural gas for transport and use by removing CO2, H2S, and mercaptans. View

  • Interior of an SLB production chemicals laboratory.
    Oil and Gas Production Chemicals and Services
    Maximize production from reservoir to refinery

    Improve and assure production more safely with chemistry technologies, software, and mechanical solutions. View

  • Process Live data-enriched performance service
    Process Live
    Data-enriched performance service

    Optimize hydrocarbon processing to deliver on-specification product and reduce costs. View

  • Symmetry
    Symmetry Process Simulation Software
    Improve safety, profits, and performance by optimizing process workflows in one platform.

    Improve safety, profits, and performance by optimizing process workflows in one platform. View

  •  OLGA Dynamic Multiphase Flow Simulator
    Olga dynamic multiphase flow simulator
    The industry-standard tool for dynamic multiphase flow simulation

    The industry-standard tool for dynamic multiphase flow simulation. View

Woman standing in front of a yellow tunnel in an office building (Tier 1_Office_Clamart_OAT_0350)

Customer support

We’re here to help. Talk to one of our CCUS experts today.

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3D render of white and blue spheres

SLB Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Accelerate your path to net zero with flexible, reliable, collaborative, and cost-effective solutions across the CCUS value chain.

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