Climate Action | SLB

Climate action

Climate action strategies are meaningless without decisive and measurable action. We believe it is possible to balance the planet by meeting the Paris Agreement commitments, and we've oriented our emissions reduction approach toward them. To secure a sustainable future, the time to act is now.

image of slb employee at geothermal field
Icons representing UN Sustainable Development Goals 7 and 13.

Act now and act fast

Our industry has an important role to play in the global energy transition, and SLB is evolving for that exciting future. Our vision is to define and drive high performance sustainably. It's our responsibility to act fast to help decarbonize the world's energy system.

photo of a road in Iceland

Our roadmap to net zero

Our climate action strategy is underpinned by our commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050—with interim targets for 2025 and 2030 along the way. Our goals cover all three scopes of emissions, and we are implementing a detailed road map of emissions reduction actions within each operating division and geography.

photo of offshore operation in north sea

Decarbonizing customer operations

As we work to reduce our emissions footprint across our operations, we also have the opportunity to help our customers decarbonize their operations and avoid additional greenhouse gas emissions.

photo of a geothermal plant

New energy and transition opportunities

Our domain and technology expertise can help accelerate the energy transition, and we are growing our portfolio of new energy investments. These include hydrogen, lithium, energy storage, carbon capture and sequestration, geothermal power, and geoenergy for heating and cooling buildings.
