Our Road Map to Net Zero | SLB

Our roadmap to net zero

Eliminating our greenhouse gas emissions by 2050

Woman working in a science lab with microscopes
Commitment to Net Zero
SLB is committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050—aligned with the 1.5-degC target of the Paris Agreement. We have established a timeline for milestones along this journey, with reductions relative to 2019 baselines. The commitment followed 18 months of extensively analyzing our carbon footprint in close collaboration with climate experts. Our net-zero target encompasses Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions covering the company’s entire value chain—a first in the energy services industry.
reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025
reduction in scope 1 and 2 and 30% reduction in scope 3 emissions by 2030
Net-zero emissions with minimal reliance on offsets by 2050
Road Map to Net Zero
Road Map to Net Zero

We have built comprehensive Scope 1, 2, and 3 roadmaps out to 2030 including high confidence pathways to meet our commitments in 2025 and 2030.

Reducing GHG emissions in our facilities

To reduce GHG emissions from our facilities, we are focused on enhancing energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption, and switching to renewable power. To achieve these goals, we have implemented several initiatives, including:

  • utilizing smart meters for real-time energy data capture to detect opportunities for energy optimization
  • encouraging and driving behavioral changes among our population to promote energy efficiency and drive energy savings
  • collaborating with energy consultants to undertake extensive energy audits aimed at identifying long-term opportunities for reducing energy consumption
  • conducting energy efficiency upgrades to our facilities, such as optimizing heating and cooling cycles, and upgrading HVAC systems and insulation
  • prioritizing the procurement of renewable energy sources to power our facilities, utilizing both onsite and offsite options


Switching to Solar in Saudi Arabia

Our team in Saudi Arabia has installed 1450 solar panels—eliminating 600 metric tons of CO2e annually and covering the entire electricity consumption of the facility administration building.

Reducing GHG emissions in field operations
In 2022, our geography net zero roadmaps highlighted the importance of taking action on key sources of fuel use in our field operations. Our strategy is to focus on operational efficiency, electrification, job design for fuel-intensive services, and low-carbon fuel alternatives. Reducing and consolidating trips, engine idling campaigns and planning and logistics are key actions taken to improve operational efficiency. Electrification opportunities for light vehicles and equipment have been assessed in 2022 and action plans prioritized based on impact, availability, and infrastructure. Job design for higher emission services such as stimulation can play an important role in the overall emissions released during the job.